I love this web site. It’s such a simple idea and every post, is quick to read and informative. I always learn something and above all it’s inspiring me to some day do what these guys are doing.
Click the little link to read the full interview. Here’s a taste:
What mistakes did you make in your first year of cruising?
We have now learned to change plans. We used to include to much in too short time. It took us long time to relax and stay at an anchorage more than two nights.
We also learned to change plans and to always have a second plan somewhere behind. On our trip to Island we had some severe weather and change course just 100 miles from Island. Instead of sailing to New Foundland (to follow the American east coast south) via Greenland, we changed to plan B which took us to Antarctica via Portugal and South America.
What is the next piece of gear you would add to your boat if it were free?
This question must be very difficult to value for the reader because it’s completely depending on the existing gear on our boat, but an active radar reflector and a sat phone would fit in.
How often have you faced bad weather in your cruising? How bad?
Bad weather is “bad planning” and we have most of the time patience enough to wait for the right weather.
But sailing in high latitudes gives of course a lot of greater risk to experience tough weather. We have quite often been sailing downwind in 40-60 kn without any difficulties, but headwind is something quite different! We keep away from headwinds above 40 kn.