July 28

Around Long Island Race Update – The Finishers


In an earlier post I erroneously said that no one finished. Thanks to the Tillerman I stand corrected. According to the results, 10 boats did complete the race including the Navy's entry, Swift. Congratulations and BIG respect to all those who made it, especially to the skippers and crews of:

  • On the Mark II
  • Hammerhand
  • Black Mallard
  • YDA4A
  • Tenacity III
  • Inessa II
  • Swift
  • Cathexis
  • Zaraffa

If anyone has any accounts from the race, I would love to hear about them and will most definitely share.


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  1. Continuing my tradition of being the nit-picking party pooper who annoyingly points out mistakes on other people’s blogs….
    I was going to comment on how appropriate it was that Tenacity III was one of the finishers. But then I noticed that the boat is actually listed on the score sheet and in the detailed information about competitors (twice) as Tenancity III. What the hell does Tenancity mean?
    It would have been a pretty pointless comment (even without the the spelling correction) as Relentless, Tenacious and Fearless were among the DNFs.

  2. Sailing is an activity enjoyed by those seeking recreational pleasure or competitive thrills. Sailing can be undertaken in small raft or a large multimillion dollar boat. No matter which type of sailing vessel you are in, certain rules should be followed to ensure your safety and that of fellow passengers.

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