July 27

A new definition of torture from Seat 8F


As I write this I am sitting on a USAirways jet waiting on the ground for clearance to go. It's been an hour on a hot crowded plane. No clue when we will be cleared to go.
Out of my window to my right is Boston Harbor. I can see about 20 boats sailing along gently, no doubt a nice cold beer in hand. Tacking back and forth with Boston's skyline in the background. There's a warm 10kt breeze.
Get me off this damn plane now. I want to go sailing right now!


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  1. Perhaps there should be a regulation that says airports shouldn’t be situated in locations that make the passengers long to be not on the plane, yearning to take part in whatever activities are going on outside the window.
    Unfortunately, the powers-that-be seem to like to put airports next to water, perhaps on the assumption that if a plane crashes upon takeoff or landing, it will end up in the water and won’t damage anything important.
    Here in Albuquerque, the main view from the Sunport is of mostly empty desert, with an area where the Air Force has in the past done explosives testing. Passengers are pretty content to remain on the air-conditioned plane.
    Depending on the wind, however, the plane may take off from a runway that sends it directly over a golf course. (Golfers who play there must have incredible concentration!)

  2. Oh, yeah, and while the airport in San Diego is near the harbor, the view for passengers on planes waiting to take off is of raw recruits at the Marine base, going through boot-camp drills. No, thanks, I’ll take the SkyMall catalog.

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