May 4

A comment from my greatest fan


Since I started this blog it has been a source of embarrassment for the son and heir. There is little that makes him cringe more than me regaling him with tales of Robin Knox-Johnston Day or all my sailing blogging chums. His friends all know about this site and tease him mercilessly.

This evening, I got the following comment from …er John Doe. Matt I know where you live.

would just like to say that this blog is completely stupid. After
viewing this I was compelled to administer a vasectomy upon myself
while having a homeless man choke me. You are a very very bad man for
creating this.

PS: This is a picture of Matt after his first ever candy cane.



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  1. There is an amazing amount of leverage that a parental unit can apply with the right photo. Pat and I have a collection of blackmail photos we can threaten to show potential girlfriends if the offspring gets out of hand.
    Oh, but he’s so /cute/ with his cowboy hat and boots, guitar, and mullet!

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