August 2

Lake Dillon Open Regatta


Alice and I are away for a break up in land-locked Colorado. We are still able to get a good sailing fix. Just up the road is beautiful Lake Dillon and we happen to be here he weekend of their annual regatta the Lake Dillon Open.

It would be hard to imagine a more spectacular back-drop for a regatta as it’s deep in the Rockies. The winds are bizarre to say the least. The mountains send winds across the lakes in sharp gusts at different angles. Watching from the road above the lake, we could see J24s, J80s, Stars and several other classes of One Design sail along nicely then slow to a crawl in a hole and then surge forward fast as a big puff smacked them hard on their side.

Here are a few shots I took today.IMG_1629 IMG_1648

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  1. Now you know something about mountain sailing. If you have time on your trip, you’re welcome to visit us in New Mexico … Heron is much like Dillon.

  2. My boyfriend and I sailed from Jersey City down to RYC this weekend, and we picked up a mooring there for Saturday night – right behind “messing around!” My boyfriend remembered your blog and pointed your boat out to me – too funny. I do enjoy reading your blog – keep it up!

  3. Carol Anne: Thank you so much for the invite. we’re pretty jammed this trip. maybe next time.
    Melissa: Thank you for the kind words. it means a lot. I hope you enjoyed the hospitality of RYC. It’s a friendly club

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