November 23

Poll Results: Most people think that the America’s Cup has been surpassed

PollAccording to readers of this blog, nearly half feel that the America’s Cup has lost its premiere position to other events (e.g. VOR, LV Cup, etc). A few feel that it was always over-rated. A third feel that it will either reclaim its past glory or still is and always will be the pinnacle of the sport.

Big caveat! This is based on less than 50 responses so its more of a straw poll than a statistically robust survey. That said the results as they stand have remained pretty much unchanged since the poll started.

I would love to hear comments on this. Polls are pretty good at reflecting the sentiment of a moment. They don’t tell you much about why people responded the way they did. My assumption is that the interminable squabble between Larry and Ernie has done the damage. It may also be that people have felt this for a long time and that the recent fiasco just exacerbates the sentiment.

If they ever get on the water, I will re-run the poll and see if the sentiment has changed.

I personally hope that they have an exciting DOG race. Frankly AC or no AC seeing the monster tri vs the giganticat match-racing will be incredible to watch (hopefully). I then hope that they put this nonsense behind them and the winner can go on to hold an AC like Valencia which in my view was outstanding.

Thoughts anyone?


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  1. It’s the legal squabbling, most definitely. Yes, the monster boats are less traditional, but you’re right, they’re impressive. What has dirtied the Cup is this big thing about who can buy the rules.

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