April 22

Robin Knox-Johnston Day – More Posts


And the blog posts keep on coming!

The Peconic Puffin gives a nod to Sir Robin on behalf of the windsurfing community.

Yachtpals has an outstanding collection of photos of RKJ, Suhaili and the Golden Globe as well as a great account of the race

Yacht Online a German site has posted an article about the 40th anniversary. I am afraid I don't speak German but I think it says Legend in the subject.

Russ from sjogin.com gives a shout-put to RKJ. He should know as he is a wooden boat sailor.

Lonnie Bruner tells RKJ's tale well and he met him a couple of years ago. Great photo of Lonnie and Sir Robin.

Boatbits Blog has a great post about the perils of going to sea in a small boat. People are still in awe as I am that Suhaili was only 32ft

Michael from BuyThisBoat Blog waxes lyrical about all the great books on circumnavigation.

Mike of the awesome Timmynocky covers a lot about RKJ's more recent accomplishments that are significant in themselves.

Ed writes about RKJ's contribution to sailing on the SF Examiner network that reaches a big audience in SF AND on his awesome EVK4 blog

Hammen.se has a video interview with Sir Robin where he talk about his life, how he began sailing and his favorite places to sail. You must not miss this.

Another fine Swedish sailing site, blur.se has two great photos of RKJ on Suhaili and his Open 60 (I think)

Bonnie from Frogma muses that one of the greatest things about RKJ is that he has created a venture for ordinary folks like us to sail round the world

And we even have an entry from Belgium on zeilmakker's blog, written in Dutch promoting RKJ Day. It's so great to see that respect for RKJ is a global thing!

Last but not least Joe at the Horse's Mouth brought the funny!

Please let me know if I haven't included you


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