We are running a watch system at RYC to keep looters away. I was there from 1600-2000 yesterday and took these up close in the yard. It’s staggering seeing what Sandy did to our club. From what we hear, we were lucky compared to Richmond County YC in Great Kills and Keyport Yacht Club.
It will be tough but we will recover.
I’m shocked to see all this damage, and very sorry for all the loss. Hope you guys will recover soon.
If this is lucky, I don’t want to see the other clubs.
Nasty. Hope clean-up can start soon so you don’t have to see the mess and can start to imagine the future.
Haven’t visited for a while and just seen all of these images – it must be devestating for all those who love their boats. I trust that the boats are however the only casualties and wish you luck in the repair and salvage work.
Wow, my heart goes out to you, what a mess. I sure hope the insurance covers natural disasters.